Saturday, 30 September 2017 15:16

Real Christianity and New Reformation (part 1)

Written by Gabriel Baicu
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This reform involves replacing institutional authority with the principle of Christian love which is the exact opposite of this type of authority, enjoyed by institutional churches. In other words, religious institutions, as such, will not disappear but will be counted in, more and more, as a secondary factor for human salvation. The main factor is very God, direct and personal relationship with Him and He shall occupy the chief place in the life of the believer and not institutional churches.

Church is not an intermediary between man and God. The true Church of God is constituted by all the saved and all individuals are firstly saved, than members of the true Church of God, and not the other way around. The path to salvation is Christ, but not only as a mean but also as a purpose. In order to be saved, one has to be like Christ, willing to live and to die for the ‘other.’ The church is not giving us salvation, but Christ, who lives in us, leads us to His only Church and gives us salvation. If someone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His. (Romans 8, 9) Love of divine nature is the opposite of authority, in spiritual matters, as it is based on self-sacrifice and not on imposing religious doctrines or dogmas on others.

The institutional structure of the Churches is not necessary, it is sometimes even dangerous, because religious institutions tend to usurp the privileged place that only God deserves to have in our consciences. These religious institutions squeeze us any kind of spiritual vigor, by proliferating their institutional interests ahead of our spiritual salvation. Institutional churches overlap our consciences, informed directly by God and lead us where they want and where our presence may be useful to them. The true Church of God is a spiritual entity and not an institutional one and consists of all those who are born again of God, which are written in the book of life, from the foundation of the world and who love each other as we had Christ loving us. There is only one Church of God and at the same time there are many religious institutions which are fighting each other to attract members for their organizations.

   Institutionalization of the Christian Church has not always existed; it has a historical character, has a beginning and has an end. (Revelation 17; 1) It shall be an end anyway and John's Revelation book tells us that religious organizations character, hardened into a religious complex will ultimately be responsible for persecuting spiritually regenerated Christians. (Revelation of John 17, 6) The time will come, when God's people will have to live Babylon, a symbolic name for the institutional churches, because there will be no longer any place for them. These truths must be told now, because then, when the times will be on, they will be very hard to be said. Let's imagine, for a moment, the Kingdom of God! Will the saved have authority over each other? Will be priests or bishops, pastors or with other words church functions, and the majority will be just a passive viewer? Surely not, because the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the ocean is, by the waters that it covers it. (Isaiah 11; 9) Do not forget that the Kingdom of God is within us and is not in the system of any Christian religious institution. (Luke 17, 21) We do not need to seek God outside of us if He dwells in us. (John 14, 23) Whoever doesn’t have God in him or she uselessly endeavours to find Him in institutional Churches. God does not dwell in buildings built by human hands, but only in human beings. (1 Corinthians 3; 16) God doesn’t address us as undifferentiated masses but as individuals. Salvation is linked to spiritual progress of our consciences and internal transformation of man and not with the development or numerical progression of religious institutions. We do not have to be good Orthodox, Roman Catholics, Greek Catholics, Protestants, Baptists, Pentecostals, etc. We must be just good Christians and sometimes between these two levels there is inconsistency; for example, when there is division between the various Christian denominations and intolerance and when we want to monopolize certain truths, which we consider to be the exclusive preserve of  the Christian confession of which we belong. Some of us, the Christians, believe that the power of the Holy Spirit and its manifestations are only possible to be experienced by the members of the Pentecostal institutional movements. This is a serious error, with dramatic consequences for many believers. All Christians, regardless of their denominational allegiance are invited to enjoy the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit and conditioning that with the appurtenance of some Christian denominations, is more than harmful. One should not become a Pentecostal Christian in order to be endowed with the Holy Spirit and to do miracles. An Orthodox Christian, Roman Catholic Christian, etc. has everything he or she needs in order to be born again and that through it, to fully manifest the power of God. If someone has the personal conviction that it is necessary to move from one Christian denomination to another, it is another matter and no one can prevent or hinder anything to the freedom of conscience of someone else. What matters, however, before God, is not to belong to a particular Christian denomination, but to belong to Him. If, for example, a Roman Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant Christian, rather than leaving the denomination in which he or she was born, after he or she had received the filling with the Holy Spirit remains among those with whom he or she lived until then, the scale of the spiritual work can be grater. This spiritual and practical work, essential to Christianity will develop an unprecedented scope, with enormous benefits for many believers. We will see a genuine spiritual reformation when we will stop putting the interests of the Christian denominations before the interests of the people of God.

Read 4181 times Last modified on Saturday, 30 September 2017 16:58

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