Contradictions in the Bible
Genesis 1-11 and their theological consequences
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January 09, 2018
Chapter 1 - Science and Religion
Contradictions in the Bible | Religious authority and science
September 20, 2017
Chapter 1 - Science and Religion
Contradictions in the Bible | Revelation and reason
September 20, 2017
Chapter 1 - Science and Religion
Contradictions in the Bible | Revelation and science
September 20, 2017
Chapter 1 - Science and Religion
Contradictions in the Bible | Religion and rationality
September 20, 2017
Chapter 1 - Science and Religion
Contradictions in the Bible | The scope of this work
September 10, 2016
Chapter 1 - Science and Religion
Contradictions in the Bible | The inspiration of the Bible
September 10, 2016
Chapter 1 - Science and Religion
Contradictions in the Bible | About the authorship of the book of Genesis
September 07, 2016
Chapter 1 - Science and Religion
Content of God's False Mirror
Chapter 1 - Science and Religion
The scope of this work
II. Religion and rationality
III. The inspiration of the Bible
IV. About the authorship of the book of Genesis
V. Revelation and science
VI. Revelation and reason
VII. Religious authority and science
Chapter 2: An absurd Order of Creation - Effects before Causes
I. God the Creator and the beginning of creation
II. Tohu vav bohu (Tohu Wabohu)
III. The primeval sea
IV. The creation of Heavens
V. Creation out of nothing
VI. Creation of the earth and of the solar system
VI. Creation of the earth and of the solar system
VII. Creation of light before the sun
VIII. Creation of the stars, sun and moon
IX. The two stories of creation
X. Other contradictions about the creation of plants
XI. More contradictions about the creation of animals
More contradictions about the creation of animals (2)
XII. The creation of man and woman
XIII. Satan’s revolt and humankind’s Fall
Satan’s revolt and humankind’s Fall (2)
XIV. Cain and Abel, a dramatic story
Cain and Abel, a dramatic story (2)
XV. The problem of incest in the Bible
The problem of incest in the Bible (2)
XVI. The sons of God
XVII. God changing His mind
XVIII. The two stories of the Flood
The two stories of the Flood (2)
The two stories of the Flood (3)
XIX. The Tower of Babel
Chapter 3: Theological Consequences
I. Theological consequences
II. The first theological consequence
III. The problem of the original sin
IV. The problem of evil in the world
V. Eve and the state of women in society
VI. Death, immortality, and redemption
VII. The image of God in the Bible
VIII. The problem of eternal hell
IX. My personal view on creation
Chapter 4: Conclusions
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